Terms & Condition

Opening explanation

Welcome to edecor.com.bd likewise thusly known as “eDECOR”. This is an online platform where businesses can sell their products or services to customers through electronic transactions. eDECOR is designed to provide a seamless and convenient shopping experience for customers, allowing them to browse, select, and purchase products or services from anywhere with an internet connection. We typically include features such as product listings, product descriptions, pricing information, customer reviews, and a shopping cart that allows customers to add and purchase items. Payment processing is also an important feature of e-commerce websites, allowing customers to pay for their purchases using various payment methods, such as credit or debit cards, cash on delivery, or bank transfers. We also offer other features, such as order tracking, customer support, and loyalty programs.  To maintain the website we have a corporate office or head office located at Mohammadpur and we also have a branch office at Niketon. This Site is claimed and worked by eDecor Restricted, an organization integrated under the Organizations Act, 1994, (Enlistment Number: …..)

The Site maintains whatever authority is needed to change, alter, add, or eliminate parts of these Agreements whenever with next to no earlier notice. Changes will be powerful when posted on the Site with no other notification gave. If it’s not too much trouble, check these Agreements routinely for refreshes. Your proceeded with utilization of the Site following the presenting of changes on Agreements of purpose is your acknowledgment of those changes.

Terms OF Purpose

ACCOUNT Subtleties

To get specific administrations presented by the stage, we might expect that you make a record with us or give individual data to finish the production of a record. We may out of the blue in our sole and outright prudence, nullify the username and additionally secret phrase without giving any explanation or earlier notification and will not be obligated or liable for any misfortunes endured by, brought about by, emerging out of, regarding or by reason of such solicitation or nullification.

You are liable for keeping up with the secrecy of your client ID, secret phrase, account subtleties and related private data. You consent to acknowledge this obligation and guarantee your record and its connected subtleties are kept up with safely consistently and all fundamental advances are required to forestall abuse of your record. You ought to illuminate us right away assuming you have any motivation to accept that your secret word has become known to any other person, or on the other hand assuming the secret phrase is being, or alternately is probably going to be, utilized in an unapproved way. You concur and recognize that any utilization of the Site and related administrations offered and additionally any admittance to private data, information or interchanges utilizing your record and secret word will be considered to be either performed by you or approved by you by and large. You consent to be limited by any entrance of the Site as well as utilization of any administrations presented by the Site (regardless of whether such access or use are approved by you). You concur that we will be entitled (yet not obliged) to follow up on, depend on or consider you exclusively capable and responsible in regard thereof as though the equivalent were completed or communicated by you. You further concur and recognize that you will be limited by and consent to completely repay us against all possible misfortunes emerging from the utilization of or admittance to the Site through your record.

Kindly guarantee that the subtleties you give us are right and complete consistently. You are committed to refresh insights regarding your record progressively by getting to your record on the web. For snippets of data you can’t refresh by getting to Your Record on the Site, you should illuminate us through our client support correspondence channels to help you with these changes. We maintain all authority to decline admittance to the Site, end records, eliminate or alter content whenever without earlier notification to you. We may out of the blue in our sole and outright attentiveness, demand that you update your own Information or forthwith negate the record or related subtleties without giving any explanation or earlier notification and will not be obligated or answerable for any misfortunes endured by or brought about by you or emerging out of or regarding or by reason of such solicitation or refutation. You thus consent to change your secret phrase every once in a while and to keep your record secure and furthermore will be answerable for the privacy of your record and at risk for any revelation or use is of the username or potentially secret phrase.


Kindly survey our Protection Understanding, which likewise administers your visit to the Site. The individual data/information gave to us by you or your utilization of the Site will be treated as rigorously private, as per the Security Arrangement and appropriate regulations and guidelines. Assuming that you object to your data being moved or utilized in the way determined in the Protection Understanding, kindly don’t utilize the Site.


You concur, comprehend and recognize that the Website is a web-based stage that empowers you to buy items recorded at the cost showed in that whenever from any area utilizing an installment strategy for your decision. You further concur and recognize that we are just a facilitator and can’t be a party to or control in any way any exchanges on the Site or on an installment entryway as made accessible to you by a free specialist co-op. As needs be, the agreement of offer of items on the Site will be a stringently bipartite agreement among you and the merchants on our Site while the installment handling happens between you, the specialist co-op and in the event of prepayments with electronic cards your guarantor bank. Likewise, the agreement of installment on the Site will be completely a bipartite agreement among you and the specialist organization as recorded on our Site.

SITE Accessibility

Site accessibility is important to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use the website. Accessibility involves making sure that the website is designed and developed in a way that allows users with disabilities to interact with it and access its content. We will do our most extreme to guarantee that admittance to the Site is reliably accessible and is continuous and mistake free. Nonetheless, because of the idea of the Web and the idea of the Website, this can’t be ensured. Furthermore, your admittance to the Site may likewise be infrequently suspended or limited to take into account fixes, upkeep, or the presentation of new offices or administrations whenever without earlier notification. We will endeavor to restrict the recurrence and span of any such suspension or limitation.


We require that by getting to the Site, you affirm that you can frame legitimately authoritative agreements and thusly you affirm that you are something like 18 years old or are getting to the Site under the management of a parent or lawful gatekeeper. We award you a non-adaptable, revocable and non-select permit to utilize the Site, as per the Agreements depicted in this, for the reasons for looking for individual things and administrations as leaned to be sold on the Site. Business use or use for any outsider is denied, besides as expressly allowed by us ahead of time. On the off chance that you are enlisting as a business substance, you address that you have the power to tie that element to this Client Understanding and that you and the business element will follow all pertinent regulations connecting with web based exchanging. No individual or business substance might enroll as an individual from the Site at least a few times. Any break of these Agreements will bring about the quick disavowal of the permit allowed in this passage without notice to you.

Content gave on this Site is exclusively for educational motivations. Item portrayals including cost, accessible stock, highlights, additional items and some other subtleties as communicated on this Site are the obligation of the sellers showing them and isn’t ensured as totally exact by us. Entries or conclusions communicated on this Site are those of the people posting such happy and may not mirror our viewpoints.

We award you a restricted permit to access and utilize this Webpage, however not to download or change the Website or any part of it in any way. This permit incorporates no resale or business utilization of this Website or its items; any assortment and utilization of any item postings, depictions, or costs; any subordinate utilization of this Webpage or its items; any downloading or replicating of record data to help another merchant; or any utilization of information mining, robots, or comparable information social affair and extraction instruments.

This Site or any piece of it (counting yet not restricted to any protected material, brand names, or other exclusive data) may not be repeated, copied, duplicated, sold, exchanged, visited, circulated or generally took advantage of for any business reason without express composed assent by us as might be pertinent.

You may not edge or use outlining methods to encase any brand name, logo, or other exclusive data (counting pictures, message, page design, or structure) without our express composed assent. You may not utilize any Meta labels or some other message using our name or brand name without our express composed assent, as material. Any unapproved use ends the authorization or permit allowed by us to you for admittance to the Site with no earlier notification. You may not involve our logo or other exclusive realistic or brand name as a feature of an outside interface for business or different purposes without our express composed assent, as might be relevant.

You concur and attempt not to perform confined exercises recorded inside this segment; undertaking these exercises will bring about a quick abrogation of your record, administrations, audits, orders or any current deficient exchange with us and in serious cases may likewise bring about lawful activity:

  • Refusal to consent to the Agreements depicted in this or some other rules and approaches connected with the utilization of the Site as accessible on the Site consistently.
  • Mimic any individual or substance or to state or in any case distort your connection with any individual or element dishonestly.
  • Utilize the Site for unlawful purposes.
  • Endeavor to acquire unapproved admittance to or in any case meddle or upset other PC frameworks or organizations associated with the Stage or Administrations.
  • Slow down one more’s usage and satisfaction in the Site;
  • Post, advance or communicate through the Site any precluded materials as considered unlawful by Individuals’ Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Use or transfer, in any capacity, any product or material that contains, or which you have motivation to think that contains, infections, harming parts, noxious code or unsafe parts which might disable or ruin the Webpage’s information or harm or disrupt the activity of another Client’s PC or cell phone or the Website and utilize the Webpage other than in conformance with the OK use strategies of any associated PC organizations, any relevant Web norms and some other pertinent regulations.

Direct Rundown

You should not utilize the site at all that causes, or is probably going to cause, the Site or admittance to it to be intruded, harmed or debilitated in any capacity. You should not participate in exercises that could hurt or possibly hurt the Site, its workers, officials, delegates, partners or some other party straightforwardly or by implication related with the Site or admittance to it to be intruded, harmed or debilitated in any capacity. You grasp that you, and not us, are liable for all electronic correspondences and content sent from your PC to us and you should involve the Site for legitimate purposes as it were. You are completely restricted from utilizing the Site

  • For fake purposes, or regarding a criminal offense or other unlawful action
  • to send, use or reuse any material that doesn’t have a place with you; or is unlawful, hostile (counting yet not restricted to material that is physically express happy or which advances prejudice, dogmatism, scorn or actual damage), tricky, misdirecting, oppressive, revolting, irritating, godless, slanderous, derogatory, disgusting, obscene, pedophilic or threatening; ethnically frightful, belittling or in break of copyright, brand name, classification, protection or some other exclusive data or right; or is generally harmful to outsiders; or connects with or advances tax evasion or betting; or is destructive to minors in any capacity; or mimics someone else; or compromises the solidarity, respectability, security or sway of Bangladesh or cordial relations with unfamiliar States; or questionable or generally unlawful in any way at all; or which comprises of or contains programming infections, political battling, business sales, junk letters, mass mailings or any “spam”
  • Utilize the Site for unlawful purposes.
  • To cause irritation, burden or unnecessary tension
  • For whatever other purposes that is other than whatever is expected by us



Anything that you submit to the Site and additionally give to us, including yet not restricted to, questions, surveys, remarks, and ideas (on the whole, “Entries”) will turn into our sole and select property and will not be gotten back to you. Notwithstanding the freedoms appropriate to any Accommodation, when you present remarks or surveys on the Site, you additionally award us the option to utilize the name that you submit, regarding such audit, remark, or other substance. You will not utilize a bogus email address, claim to be somebody other than yourself or in any case misdirect us or outsiders with respect to the beginning of any Entries. We may, yet will not be committed to, eliminate or alter any Entries with no notification or legitimate course appropriate to us in such manner.

CLAIMS AGAINST Hostile Substance

We list large number of items available to be purchased presented by various dealers on the Site and host numerous remarks on postings, it isn’t feasible as far as we’re concerned to know about the items in every item recorded available to be purchased, or each remark or survey that is shown. Likewise, we work on a “guarantee, survey and takedown” premise. Assuming you accept that any happy on the Site is unlawful, hostile (counting however not restricted to material that is physically unequivocal substance or which advances prejudice, dogmatism, disdain or actual damage), tricky, deluding, oppressive, foul, badgering, irreverent, slanderous, derogatory, revolting, obscene, pedophilic or threatening; ethnically frightful, criticizing; or is generally damaging to outsiders; or connects with or advances illegal tax avoidance or betting; or is destructive to minors in any capacity; or imitates someone else; or undermines the solidarity, honesty, security or sway of Bangladesh or cordial relations with unfamiliar States; or questionable or generally unlawful in any way at all; or which comprises of or contains programming infections, (” shocking substance “), if it’s not too much trouble, advise us promptly by following by keeping in touch with us on legal@edecor.com.bd. We will make all functional undertakings to research and eliminate legitimate shocking substance grumbled about inside a sensible measure of time.

If it’s not too much trouble, guarantee to give your name, address, contact data and as numerous important subtleties of the case including name of questionable substance party, examples of complaint, verification of protest among other. Kindly note that giving deficient subtleties will ruin your case and unusable for legitimate purposes.


We regard the protected innovation of others. Assuming you accept that your licensed innovation privileges have been utilized such that leads to worries of encroachment, kindly keep in touch with us at legal mail@edecor.com.bd and we will put forth all sensible attempts to address your anxiety inside a sensible measure of time. Kindly guarantee to give your name, address, contact data and as numerous pertinent subtleties of the case including name of encroaching party, examples of encroachment, evidence of encroachment among other. Kindly note that giving fragmented subtleties will ruin your case and unusable for lawful purposes. Moreover, giving bogus or misdirecting data might be viewed as a lawful offense and might be trailed by judicial procedures.

We likewise regard a producer’s on the right track to go into elite circulation or resale arrangements for its items. Be that as it may, infringement of such arrangements don’t comprise licensed innovation privileges encroachment. As the requirement of these arrangements is a matter between the producer, wholesaler as well as particular affiliate, it wouldn’t be suitable as far as we’re concerned to aid the implementation of such exercises. While we can’t give legitimate guidance, nor share private data as safeguarded by the law, we suggest that any various forms of feedback with respect to your freedoms might be directed to a legitimate subject matter expert.


edecor.com.bd, eDecor logo, , eDecor Style, eDecor Rudiments and different imprints showed on our Site are reserve or enlisted brand names in the significant jurisdiction(s). Our designs, logos, page headers, button symbols, scripts and administration names are the brand names or exchange dress and may not be utilized regarding any item or administration that doesn’t have a place with us or in any way that is probably going to create turmoil among clients, or in any way that stigmatizes or ruins us. Any remaining brand names that show up on this Site are the property of their particular proprietors, who might possibly be partnered with, associated with, or supported by us.

All protected innovation privileges, whether enrolled or unregistered, in the Webpage, data content on the Webpage and all the web architecture, including, however not restricted to message, illustrations, programming, photographs, video, music, sound, and their determination and plan, and all product aggregations, fundamental source code and programming will remain our property. The whole items in the Site likewise are safeguarded by copyright as an aggregate work under Bangladeshi intellectual property regulations and global shows. All freedoms are held.


You recognize and embrace that you are getting to the administrations on the Site and executing notwithstanding the obvious danger and are utilizing your best and judicious judgment prior to going into any exchanges through the Site. We will not be obligated or answerable for any activities or inactions of merchants or any break of conditions, portrayals or guarantees by the dealers or makers of the items and thusly explicitly repudiate and any all obligation and responsibility in such manner. We will not intercede or determine any debate or conflict among you and the dealers or makers of the items.

We further explicitly disavow any guarantees or portrayals (express or suggested) in regard of value, reasonableness, exactness, dependability, fulfillment, idealness, execution, security, merchantability, readiness for a specific reason, or legitimateness of the items recorded or showed or executed or the substance (counting item or estimating data or potentially determinations) on the Site. While we have played it safe to stay away from mistakes in satisfied, this Site, all happy, data (counting the cost of items), programming, items, benefits and related illustrations are given as is premise, without guarantee of any sort. We don’t certainly or expressly support or embrace the deal or acquisition of any items on the Site. Never will any right, title or interest in the items sold through or showed on the Site vest with us nor will eDecor have any commitments or liabilities in regard of any exchanges on the Site.

We will not be at risk or answerable for any activities or inactions of some other specialist co-op as recorded on our Site which incorporates however isn’t restricted to installment suppliers, portion contributions, and guarantee administrations among others.

Outsider Organizations

Parties other than eDecor and its partners might work stores, offer types of assistance, or sell product offerings on the Site. For instance, organizations and people offer items through Commercial center. Also, we give connects to the sites of subsidiary organizations and certain different organizations. We are not liable for inspecting or assessing, and we don’t warrant or support the contributions of any of these organizations or people, or the substance of their sites. We take on no obligation or risk for the activities, items, and content of any of these and some other outsiders. You can tell when an outsider is engaged with your exchanges by checking on your exchange cautiously, and we might share client data connected with those exchanges with that outsider. You ought to painstakingly audit their security proclamations and related agreements.

Speak WITH eDecor

At the point when you visit the Site, or send messages to us, you are speaking with us electronically. You will be expected to give a legitimate telephone number while putting in a request with us. We might speak with you by email, SMS, call or by posting sees on the Site or by some other method of correspondence we decide to utilize. For authoritative purposes, you agree to get correspondences (counting conditional, limited time or potentially business messages), from us regarding your utilization of the site (and additionally arrangement of your request) and consent to treat all methods of correspondence with a similar significance.

Misfortunes Obligation

We won’t be answerable for any business or individual misfortunes (counting however not restricted to loss of benefits, income, contracts, expected investment funds, information, altruism, or squandered consumption) or whatever other backhanded or important misfortune that isn’t in all actuality predictable to both you and us when you started utilizing the Site.

Rotations of Administration Commitment: We maintain whatever authority is needed to make changes to the Site, its approaches, these agreements and some other freely shown condition or administration guarantee whenever. You will be dependent upon the approaches and agreements in force at the time you utilized the Site except if any change to those arrangements or these circumstances is expected to be made by regulation or government expert (in which case it will apply to orders recently positioned by you). Assuming any of these circumstances is considered invalid, void, or under any condition unenforceable, that condition will be considered severable and won’t influence the legitimacy and enforceability of any excess condition.


We won’t be considered liable for any postponement or inability to follow our commitments under these circumstances assuming that the deferral or disappointment emerges from any reason which is past our sensible control. This condition doesn’t influence your legal privileges.


You recognize and perceive that we are a confidential business undertaking and maintain whatever authority is needed to direct business to accomplish our goals in a way we consider fit. You likewise recognize that assuming you break the circumstances expressed on our Site and we make no move, we are as yet qualified for utilize our privileges and cures in whatever other circumstance where you break these circumstances.


Not with standing some other legitimate or fair cures, we may, without earlier notification to you, promptly end the Agreements or repudiate any or your freedoms as a whole conceded under the Agreements. Upon any end of this Arrangement, you will promptly stop all admittance to and utilization of the Site and we will, notwithstanding some other legitimate or evenhanded cures, quickly repudiate all password(s) and account ID gave to you and deny your admittance to and utilization of this Site in entire or to a limited extent. Any end of this arrangement will not influence the particular freedoms and commitments (counting without constraint, installment commitments) of the gatherings emerging before the date of end. You moreover concur that the Site will not be responsible to you or to some other individual because of any such suspension or end. Assuming you are disappointed with the Site or with any terms, conditions, rules, approaches, rules, or practices in working the Site, you’re sole and selective cure is to end utilizing the Site.

Government Regulation

These agreements are represented by and understood as per the laws of Individuals’ Republic of Bangladesh. You concur that the courts, councils or potentially semi legal bodies situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh will have the selective ward on any question emerging inside Bangladesh under this Arrangement.

Get in touch with US

You might contact us here mail@edecor.com.bd .

OUR Software

Our Software incorporates any Software (counting any updates or moves up to the product and any connected documentation) that we make accessible to you every once in a while for your utilization regarding the Site (the “Product”).

You might utilize the Software exclusively for motivations behind empowering you to involve and partake in our administrations as allowed by the Agreements and any connected material terms as accessible on the Site. You may not integrate any piece of the Product into your own projects or aggregate any part of it in blend with your own projects, move it for use with another help, or sell, lease, rent, loan, advance, appropriate or sub-permit the Product or in any case allocate any privileges to the Product in entire or to some extent. You may not involve the Product for any unlawful reason. We might stop giving you administration and we might end your entitlement to utilize the Product whenever. Your freedoms to utilize the Product will naturally end without notice from us in the event that you neglect to conform to any of the Agreements recorded here or across the Site. Extra outsider terms held inside the Site or conveyed as to such an extent that are explicitly recognized in related documentation might apply and will oversee the utilization of such programming in case of a contention with these Agreements. All product utilized in any of our administrations is our property or potentially our subsidiaries or its product providers and safeguarded by the laws of Bangladesh including yet not restricted to some other pertinent intellectual property regulations.

At the point when you utilize the Site, you may likewise be utilizing the administrations of at least one outsiders, like a remote transporter or a versatile stage supplier. Your utilization of these outsider administrations might be liable to isolate approaches, terms of purpose, and charges of these outsiders.

You may not, and you won’t energize, help or approve some other individual to duplicate, alter, pick apart, decompile or dismantle, or in any case mess with our product whether in entire or to a limited extent, or make any subsidiary works from or of the Product.

To stay up with the latest, we might offer programmed or manual updates whenever and without notice to you.

Exchanging eDecor items for business design is completely restricted. Assuming any unapproved staff is found committing the above act, legitimate move might be made against him/her.


You will be liable for installment of all expenses/costs/accuses related of the acquisition of items from the Site and you consent to bear all material duties according to winning regulation.


  • Stock accessibility: The orders are dependent upon accessibility of stock.
  • Conveyance Timetable: The conveyance could take more time than expected time period/line to be trailed by eDecor

Conveyance may be deferred because of power majeure occasion which incorporates, however not restricted to, political turmoil, political occasion, public/public holidays, etc.

  • Scratch-off: eDecor holds unfit right to drop any request at its only tact preceding dispatch and under any condition which might incorporate, however not restricted to, the item being mispriced, unavailable, lapsed, flawed, broke down, and containing inaccurate data or depiction emerging out of specialized or typographical blunder or for some other explanation.
  • Discount Course of events: On the off chance that any request is dropped, the installment against such request will be discounted inside 10 to 15 working days, yet it might require longer investment in remarkable cases. Given that got cash back sum, if any, will be changed with the discount sum.

You affirm that the product(s) or service(s) requested by you are bought for your inward/individual utilization and not so much for business re-deal. You approve us to announce and give statement to any administrative expert for your sake expressing the aforementioned reason for your orders on the Site. The Dealer or the Site might drop a request wherein the amounts surpass the average individual utilization. This applies both to the quantity of items requested inside a solitary request and the putting in of a few requests for similar item where the singular orders contain an amount that surpasses the ordinary individual utilization. What involves a regular person’s utilization amount limit will be founded on different elements and at the sole carefulness of the Dealer or our own and may shift from one person to another.

You might drop your request at no expense any time before the thing is dispatched to you.