A plumeria is a fast-growing tropical tree that produces masses of fragrant blooms between March and October. A small tree, the plumeria reaches heights of about 30 feet at maturity. Also known as frangipani, a plumeria is a warm-climate plant hardy to USDA Planting Zones 9 to 11. Although the plant won’t tolerate freezing winter climates, it can be planted in a container and brought indoors when the weather turns cold. Plumeria grow profusely in Hawaii and is a popular flower choice for leis.
Plant Type:Â Live plant along with plastic pot
Plants Height:Â with pot is 1 feet and pot size is 5 inches diameter.
Plants nature:Â outdoor, loves full sun, less watering
Useful for hedges, ground cover, garden plants
Best flowering and aromatic plants & beautiful leaves, hardy, and easy maintenance
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