Evergreen, with solid, undivided fronds that may be a consistent width from top to bottom or taper, depending on the species.
·      Growth:  Slow growth
·      Tub Size:  7 inches
·      Current Height: About 3 feet (with pot)
·      Ideal Location: A place that doesn’t get direct sunlight (but make sure it gets indirect light or a place with light and air) is an ideal plant to keep in middle of the room.
·      Caring Process: Dry leaves should be cut daily, and the plant should be exposed to sunlight once or twice a week. Light morning sun is beneficial. Water the plants according to the rules. Dispose of rotting leaves quickly without leaving them on the plant. When the color of the leaves and flowers of the plant starts to lighten, place the plant in a cool place with less heat. Because if there is excess heat, the color of leaves and flowers starts to lighten.
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