Privacy policy of eDecor

This approach sets out the premise on which any private information we gather from you, or that you give to us, will be handled by us. Kindly read the accompanying cautiously to comprehend our perspectives and works on with respect to your own information and how we will treat it. By visiting

You are tolerating and consenting to the practices portrayed in this approach.

  1. What Individual Information we gather from you

We gather and interaction the accompanying information about you:

  • At the point when you shop with us available, we process your installment card data;
  • At the point when you make an internet based buy we gather and cycle exchange based information which might incorporate your installment card data, charging/conveyance address, requests and receipts, email and phone number. We may likewise gather specialized data, including the Web convention (IP) address used to interface your PC to the Web, for the reasons for misrepresentation screening.
  • At the point when you join our award card devotion plot we gather and interaction the data you give including (where given by you) your name, orientation, date of birth, address, email and phone number;
  • At the point when we process your prize card when you purchase items in a shop or online we gather and cycle subtleties of your exchange history, shopping inclinations and voucher reclamations.
  • At the point when you make an internet based account with us we gather and interaction the data you give including (where given by you) your name, orientation, date of birth, charging/conveyance address, email and phone number. For your security, we’ll likewise keep a scrambled record of your login secret phrase.
  • At the point when you shop with us, we might gather and handle subtleties of your exchange history and shopping inclinations including subtleties of buys you made, things saw or added to your bushel, voucher reclamations, brands you show interest in and, if pertinent, site pages you visit.
  • At the point when you draw in with us via virtual entertainment.
  • At the point when you reach us using any and all means with inquiries, grumblings and so on.
  • At the point when you enter eDecor prize draws or rivalries.
  • At the point when you decide to finish any reviews we send you.
  • At the point when you remark on or audit our items and administrations.
  • At the point when you fill in any of our structures. For instance, assuming that a mishap occurs in one of our stores, we might gather your own information comparable to the episode.
  • At the point when you’ve allowed an outsider to impart to us the data they hold about you.
  • Subtleties of your communications with us through our contact habitats, available and on the web


  1. How we gather Individual Information

We gather individual information from you by the accompanying means:

  • Data you give us. You might give us data about you by: going into exchanges, opening a record on our site
  • filling in structures or giving data available, or by relating with us by telephone, email etc. This incorporates data you give when:

o             You buy merchandise coming up or on the web;

o             Register a web-based account on

o             Register to our award card steadfastness conspire;

o             Search for an item;

o             Participate in conversation sheets or other online entertainment capacities;

o             Enter a contest, advancement or overview; and

o             When you report an issue with our site.

The data you give us might incorporate your name, address, email address and telephone number, charge or Visa data, individual depiction and photo.

  • Assuming you decide to make a record or join our prize card faithfulness plot, you will actually want to deal with your own information online by means of eDecor. In the event that you don’t decide to do as such, you cannot see or alter this data. Assuming you wish to change any inclinations and you have not made a record, if it’s not too much trouble, contact Client Administrations.
  • As to every one of your visits to our site we may naturally gather the accompanying data:

o             Technical data, including the Web convention (IP) address used to associate your PC to the Web, your login data, program type and rendition, time region setting, program module types and variants, working framework and stage;

o             Information about your visit, including the full Uniform Asset Finders (URL) clickstream to, through and from our webpage (counting date and time); items you saw or looked for; page reaction times, download blunders, length of visits to specific pages, page connection data, (for example, looking over, snaps, and mouse-overs), and techniques used to peruse away from the page and any telephone number used to call our client care number.

  • Our site utilizes treats to recognize you from different clients of our site. This assists us with furnishing you with a decent encounter when you peruse our site and furthermore permits us to work on our site. For itemized data on the treats we use and the reasons for which we use them see our Treat strategy.
  • We are likewise working intimately with outsiders (counting, for instance, colleagues, sub-workers for hire in specialized, installment and conveyance administrations, publicizing organizations, examination suppliers and search data suppliers) and may get data about you from them.
  • Your vehicle number plate might be recorded at a portion of our vehicle parks to oversee leaving limitations.


  1. How we utilize your own information

We might gather and deal with your own information for various reasons including:

3.1 Assent

Where we have gathered information with your assent, we will handle such information as per the assents that you have given. For instance:

o             Where you have agreed to get immediate advertising from us, we will utilize your own information, inclinations and subtleties of your exchanges to keep you informed about applicable items and administrations including customized exceptional offers, limits, advancements, occasions, rivalries, etc. We will keep you informed in accordance with your advertising inclinations. You are allowed to quit from any such advertising correspondences.

o             Where you furnish us with individual information for a particular reason (like objections, claims, online exchanges) we will handle such private information for that particular reason.

o             To manage any of our award draws or contests which you enter, in light of your assent given at the hour of entering.

o             To show the most fascinating substance to you on our sites or applications, we might utilize information we hold about your number one brands or items, etc. We do as such based on your agree to get application warnings and additionally for our site to put treats or comparable innovation on your gadget.

o             Where you give us pictures of you comparable to an advancement, blog or prize attract and agree to us utilizing such pictures.

3.2 Authoritative Commitments

We might require your own information to agree with our legally binding commitments. For instance, we should handle individual information to convey products you have bought on the web.

3.3 Legitimate Consistence

Whenever legally necessary, we might have to gather and deal with your information. For instance, we might have to handle individual information to follow our legitimate commitments to impart information to policing to consent to a request from the court.

3.4 Genuine Interest

We process your information to our genuine advantages in a manner which could sensibly be anticipated as a feature of maintaining our business and which doesn’t really influence your privileges, opportunity or interests.

These real interests incorporate the accompanying:

3.4.1 Direct Advertising and great client support

It is a genuine of premium of our business to contact our clients for the motivations behind direct showcasing.

Dependent upon their promoting decisions, we send clients who have executed with us customized correspondences comparable to new items and ranges and offers by email and we do as such based on our real advantages. Once more, dependent upon their promoting decisions, we likewise send our clients individual correspondences according to new items, new ranges and offers by post based on our authentic interest.

We utilize the information we bring to the table for you advancements and items that are probably going to be applicable to you.

You can, obviously, choose not to get any immediate promoting from us.

3.4.2 Studies

Occasionally, we might send you demands to partake in a client review to work on our items or your shopping experience. It is altogether discretionary with respect to whether you wish to partake in any such study. These messages exclude any special substance and don’t need earlier assent when sent by email or instant message. We have a genuine interest to do as such as this helps make our items more pertinent to you.

Obviously, where we ask you for individual information to further develop your shopping experience, it is consistently your decision regarding whether you give us that data.

We should gather and deal with information to handle any requests on the web. In the event that we don’t gather your own information during checkout, we will not have the option to handle your request and consent to our lawful commitments.

We might impart individual information to Colleagues, providers and sub-project workers for the exhibition of any agreement we go into with them or you. For instance, your subtleties should be passed to an outsider to convey item requested on the web.

Assuming you are hoping to pay by charge or MasterCard available or online we should deal with your installment card information to finish the exchange. We process card installments as per the Installment Card Industry Information Security principles.

Following an exchange, we might save your subtleties for a sensible period a while later to satisfy legally binding commitments like discounts.

3.4.4 Discounts and objections

We need to deal with individual information to answer your questions, discount solicitations and protests.

We may likewise track your questions, discount solicitations and objections for the accompanying purposes:

  • To illuminate our future correspondences with you;
  • To survey whether there are any examples in regards to the grumblings we get, for instance, quality issues with a specific items;
  • To have the option to exhibit how we managed your objection; and
  • To consider how we can further develop our administrations in view of your experience.

In such conditions we will handle your own information as per our authoritative and lawful commitments with you and our genuine interest to give you great client support.

3.4.5 Security

We have a real interest to safeguard our clients, our business, our representatives and our stores from criminal and criminal behavior like extortion and robbery. Accordingly, we might handle individual information as follows as a component of our genuine financial matter:

  • utilizing your own information to keep up with, update and protect your web-based account.
  • Checking your perusing action with us to recognize and determine any issues and safeguard the trustworthiness of our sites. This will incorporate checking passwords and utilizing mechanized observing of IP locations to distinguish conceivable deceitful log-ins.
  • Handling installments and forestalling fake exchanges.

In the event that we find any potential crime we will utilize individual information film to explore the likely crime and, where proper, pass the subtleties of such expected crime to the police and other significant administrative specialists. For misrepresentation the executives, we might share data about deceitful or possibly false action in our premises or frameworks with outsiders, for example, policing and the important monetary establishments.

We may likewise be expected to uncover your own information to the police or other implementation, administrative or Government body upon a substantial solicitation to do as such. We evaluate such demands dependent upon the situation while thinking about the protection of our clients.

3.4.6 Updates on regulation and our approaches

We might send you correspondences legally necessary or which are important to illuminate you about changes to our business and additionally issues in regards to our items. For instance, we might reach you by email, post or text in regards to updates to this Protection Notice, item review sees, and legitimately required data connecting with your orders. These assistance messages exclude any limited time content and don’t need earlier assent. On the off chance that we don’t involve your own information for these reasons, we would not be able to consent to our lawful commitments.

  1. Sharing Your Information

We might impart your own data to any individual from our gathering, and that implies our auxiliaries, our definitive holding organization and its auxiliaries, as characterized in segment 1159 of the BD Organizations Act 2006. We might impart your data to choose outsiders including:

  • Colleagues, providers and sub-project workers for the exhibition of any agreement we go into with them or you.
  • With your assent, given at the time you supply your own information, we might pass that information to an outsider for their immediate showcasing purposes.
  • Publicists and promoting networks that require the information to choose and serve important adverts to you and others. We don’t unveil data about recognizable people to our sponsors, yet we might furnish them with total data about our clients (for instance, we might illuminate them that 500 men matured under 30 have tapped on their commercial on some random day). We may likewise utilize such total data to assist promoters with contacting the sort of crowd they need to focus (for instance, ladies in SW1). We might utilize the individual information we have gathered from you to empower us to consent to our publicists’ desires by showing their promotion to that main interest group.
  • Examination and web search tool suppliers that help us in the improvement and advancement of our website.
  • If we sell or purchase any business or resources, in which case we might reveal your own information to the imminent vendor or purchaser of such business or resources.
  • If eDecor restricted or significantly its resources are all procured by an outsider, where case individual information held by it about its clients will be one of the moved resources.
  • In the event that we are under an obligation to reveal or share your own information to consent to any legitimate commitment, or to implement or apply our Terms and Conditions and different arrangements; or to safeguard the privileges, property, or security of eDecor Restricted, our clients, or others. This incorporates trading data with different organizations and associations for the reasons for extortion security and credit risk decrease.
  • We likewise work with:

o             Direct advertising organizations who assist us deal with our electronic interchanges with you;

o             Google/Facebook to show you items that could intrigue you while you’re perusing the web. This depends on either your advertising assent or your acknowledgment of treats on our sites. See our Treat strategy for subtleties.

o             Data understanding organizations to guarantee your subtleties are exceptional and exact.

o             Analytical organizations that offer types of assistance that will work on the items and administrations we offer you.

  • We work intimately with the outsiders with which we share your information to guarantee that the outsiders:

o             Have sufficient safety efforts and approaches set up;

o             Will regard and safeguard your protection;

o             Only utilize your information when important to play out their particular administrations set up and will safeguard your protection;

o             Will erase your information or anonymize when we have quit utilizing their administrations.

  • We will just impart information to outsiders for their own motivations where you have given your particular assent that we might pass that information to an outsider for their immediate showcasing purposes.


  1. Putting away your own Information

All data you give to us is put away on our solid servers. Any installment exchanges will be scrambled utilizing SSL innovation. Where we have given you (or where you have picked) a secret key which empowers you to get to specific pieces of our site, you are liable for keeping this secret word classified. We ask you not to impart a secret phrase to anybody.

Contribution of individual information is at the client’s carefulness. We have severe arrangements and systems in regards to the capacity, handling and transmission of your own information.

  1. Dealing with your Own Information

You reserve the privilege to ask us not to handle your own information for promoting. We will illuminate you (prior to gathering your information) assuming we mean to involve your information for such purposes or on the other hand in the event that we plan to unveil your data to any outsider for such purposes. You can practice your entitlement to forestall such handling by checking specific boxes on the structures we use to gather your information. You can likewise practice the right whenever by reaching us at Client Administrations at Mail id

In the event that you have a prize card or a web-based account, you can likewise deal with your own information through

Our webpage may, occasionally, contain connections to and from the sites of our accomplice organizations, promoters and associates. On the off chance that you follow a connection to any of these sites, kindly note that these sites have their own protection strategies and that we acknowledge no liability or obligation for these arrangements. Kindly check these approaches before you present any private information to these sites.

As a general rule, you can pick how we speak with you, yet there are sure interchanges which are important for the activity of this site or which we are expected to send by regulation, and you can’t quit these.

  1. How long is Private Information kept.

We will just save individual information however long is fundamental for the reason for which it was gathered.

Toward the finish of that maintenance period, your information will either be erased totally or anonymized.

At the point when you put in a request, we’ll keep the individual information you give us for a long time so we can conform to our lawful and legally binding commitments.

8 Your rights

Under the Information Insurance Regulations you have the accompanying privileges.

8.1 Direct Showcasing

At the point when we are sending direct showcasing to you based on our genuine premium, you reserve the option to choose not to get any immediate promoting from us.

Whenever you have given us your agree to utilize your own information, you reserve the privilege to adjust your perspective whenever and pull out that assent.

You reserve the option to stop the utilization of your own information for direct showcasing movement through all channels, or chose channels.

If it’s not too much trouble, note that you might keep on getting correspondences for a brief period subsequent to changing your inclinations while our frameworks are completely refreshed.

8.2 Admittance to individual information

You reserve the option to get to data held about you. Your right of access can be practiced as per the Information Security Regulations and is for nothing as a rule.

On the off chance that you expect admittance to the data we hold about you, kindly keep in touch with Protection, eDecor Restricted, Niketon, Gulshan.

8.3 The rectification of your own information when wrong, obsolete or inadequate.

You reserve the privilege to demand any data we hold is amended in the event that it is off base. To request your data to be changed, kindly update your internet based record, or contact our Client Administrations group.

8.4 Genuine Interests

As a rule, you can pick how we speak with you, yet there are sure interchanges which are important for the activity of this site or which we are expected to send by regulation, and you can’t quit these.

Where we are handling your own information based on our authentic interest, you can request that we stop in view of your singular conditions. We will stop any such handling except if we accept that we have a genuine superseding motivation to keep handling your own information.

8.5 The option to submit a question

Mail At

  1. Utilization of our administrations by Youngsters

Our site isn’t expected for the utilization of youngsters younger than 18. We ask that youngsters don’t give individual data through our site. Assuming we become mindful that we have gathered the data of a youngster, we will erase that data from our records.

  1. Outsider sites

Our webpage may, every once in a while, contain connections to and from the sites of our accomplice organizations, publicists and partners. On the off chance that you follow a connection to any of these sites, kindly note that these sites have their own protection strategies and that we acknowledge no liability or risk for these strategies. Kindly check these approaches before you present any private information to these sites.

  1. Changes to this strategy

Any progressions we might make to our protection strategy later on will be posted on this page and, where suitable, advised to you by email. Kindly return much of the time to see any updates or changes to our protection strategy.

  1. Contact

Questions, remarks and demands with respect to this security strategy are invited and ought to be addressed to Client Administrations at or by calling us on xxxxxxxxxxx.